Dec 9, 2020
Do you feel off after eating avocados, chocolate, nuts, spinach, legumes? Bloated with an upset stomach, fatigued, or a killer headache but can’t quite pinpoint what the culprit is? It may be your histamine release after eating certain foods. If you have histamine intolerance, then you will feel off when your body...
Nov 14, 2020
Every year Americans consume too much-added sugar daily. Between 60 to 150 lbs. total sugar, that's all the sugars one consumes throughout their diet. The calculated amount of added sugar in the American diet is around 60+ pounds, minus the sugar from fruit consumption. This range is way too high for anyone. And maybe...
Oct 26, 2020
The American Institute of Stress states 77% of people experience psychical impact form stress such as headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, muscle tension, dizziness, and insomnia.
The Journal of American Heart Association states that children living with drug addicts or alcoholics have a 50% chance of hear disease due...
Oct 5, 2020
Boosting your immune system is a proactive way to prep for cold and flu session. Being prepared with the supplements, homeopathic remedies and healing foods will help you stop the illness in its tracks and shorten the duration. Certain lifestyle factors like staying hydrated, getting quality sleep, staying committed to...
Sep 22, 2020
Did you know that migraines are the third-most prevalent disease in the world, with more than 37 million people in the United States negatively impacted!
Research shows the association between gastrointestinal disorders and migraines, the exact role of gut-brain crosstalk and how a disruption in the gut microbiota...